
Přednáška: Němečtí skeptici vs. Homeopatie

Kdy: 18. 2. 2020 17:30
Kdo: Claire Klingenberg
Kde: Planetum - Planetarium Praha
Organizátor: Sisyfos

Zakladatel Informační síť homeopatie bude přednášet v Praze

V úterý, 18. 2., 17:30, Planetum


Norbert Aust - Němečtí skeptici vs. Homeopatie

Informationsnetzwerk Homöopathie je pracovní skupina německé skeptické organizace GWUP a je v současné době nejpopulárnější skupinou kritizující homeopatii v německy mluvících zemích. 

“Informationsnetzwerk Homöopathie (Information Network Homeopathy, INH) is a working group of the German skeptics organization GWUP and is currently the most popular group of critics of homeopathy in the German speaking countries. Coverage in the leading media is excellent, and we think we contributed a lot to the increasing discussion on homeopathy - and the critical position some politicians assumed in recent time.


As such INH is the most successful venture of GWUP over the past years. This presentation is to give some history of INH from its beginning in 2016. I will present our targets and our strategies how we set about to reach them. What websites we run, how we handle social media, what projects did we realize, who are the key persons and the key success factors - and how the winds have turned against homeopathy in its last European stronghold.”

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