Kdy: 15. 2. 2023 17:00
Kdo: Sisyfos
Kde: Akademie věd
Organizátor: Sisyfos
Bez záznamu, jen na místě
Přednáškový cyklus Věda kontra iracionalita Českého klubu skeptiků Sisyfos uvádí:
Vaccine Hesitant vs. Anti-Vax Activist And how to communicate with both
Europe is facing a resurgence of preventable disease as anti-vaccine movements from across the continent are growing This talk will focus on the tactics the AV movement uses to gain influence, followers and political power. It will also discuss how to approach, counteract and fight against the AV movement, how to recruit experts by your side, turn the tide and save lives.
Ovidiu Covaciu is an independent patient advocate, founder of Coaliția România Sănătoasă (The Coalition of Healthy Romania), administrator of Vaccinuri si Vaccinare (Vaccinations and Vaccinating) and producer of the podcast Sceptici în România (Skeptics in Romania).
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