
10th European Skeptics Congress - News

September 7th - 9th 2001, Prague, Czech republic
The congress is organised by the Czech Skeptics Club SISYFOS that was entrusted by the European Council of Skeptical Organisations (ECSO).


August 28th 2001: E-mail address for the ESC participants during the congress. See page Contact.
August 10th 2001: LAST ANNOUNCEMENT and map of Prague. See page Links.
June 20th 2001: Registration page renewed for easier signing up.
March 24th 2001: Conference documents available also in PDF format. See page Links.
March 11th 2001: Some documents also in Czech version.
March 11th 2001: Changed deadlines - registration possible till April 15th, payment till June 10th 2001. See page Essentials.
March 11th 2001: New conference documents available - full registration form, call for papers + instructions, congress announcement with more details, and others. See page Links.
February 7th: A new congress advertisement was created for those interested to have a printed compressed one page announcement of the congress. Download here.


Letter from the chairman of Sisyfos:
Dear Colleagues,

The Tenth European Skeptics Congress (10 ESC) will be held from 7th to 9th September 2001 in Prague, Czech Republic. As approved at the meeting of the Board of European Council of Skeptic Organisations (ECSO) in Maastricht 18th September, 1999, it will be organised by SISYFOS, the Czech Club of Skeptics,.

The three-day programme of the congress will be distributed into three thematic areas:

1. Paranormal Scene in Europe – comparison between post-communist and western countries
After the collapse of the iron curtain, in the early 1990s, post-communist countries experienced a rapid increase in various paranormal activities, in particular those not based on critical thinking. The range of problems, which these activities cause may be different in the individual eastern European countries and when compared to the more stabilised situation in western countries. Therefore, at this congress, lectures should be focused to comparing the paranormal scene in the eastern European countries with that in western Europe. Hence, we are requesting lectures by participants from the various eastern European countries and from countries of western Europe as well.

2. Alternative Medicine
A typical example of paranormal activity is alternative medicine, the development of which represents major risks for the population. This topic is also of current interest because some bodies of the European Union consider methods of alternative medicine to be more than positive. Accordingly, this issue will be discussed at the Congress of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) in Sydney. The expansion of alternative medicine will be the topic of the first thematic discussion at the Prague congress. The second day's programme will focus on analysing methods of alternative medicine with an emphasis on its principles, effectiveness, or ineffectiveness and associated risks. Apart from this, the evaluation should also be concerned with ways to restrict the influence and propagation of alternative medicine. Special attention should be paid to evaluation of the official attitudes of the European Union and other multinational and national bodies to the methods of alternative medicine. We also expect to receive a summary report of the world congress CSICOP.

3. Miscellaneous
This part of the programme should include reviews from various fields of interest and should present the full breadth of critical interests of skeptical organisations. The selection will be made on the basis of the received contributions for this thematic area.

The congress will be held in the centre of Prague in the administrative building of Academy of Science of the Czech Republic on Narodni Avenue. The programme will include a sightseeing tour of Prague and an outdoor dinner.

Please submit your completed application form to:

ICARIS, Ltd. Conference Management, "10 ESC"
Nam. Dr. Holeho 8
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
fax: +420.2.6631 2113

If you would like to make a presentation at the congress, please include its indicative title with your application. A detailed programme of the congress will be prepared based on the response to this notice and on the registered contributions. Kindly address any comments and queries about the proposed agenda to:

Mgr. Kamil Galuscak,
Milicova 10
130 00 Praha 3
Czech Republic

A second, more specific and expanded notice including the detailed information about the place of the congress and the social programme will be distributed by the end of 2000.

Looking forward to your participation at the 10th European Skeptics Congress in Prague.

With regards

Prof. Jiri Hert, M.D.
Chairman of Sisyfos

photos from the congress session

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